About Our Organization

Our Ethos

Helping each other can make the world better


Children who have been growing up amidst neglect, isolation, and underperformance for generations who are either deprived of basic necessities or not allowed to get educated or simply, to live a normal life challenge our voice of conscience which inspired us to initiate I Care for U.org.

Together as individuals or groups, we can make a difference by providing them with a life filled with happiness that they deserve to live.


Volunteers In 2022


People We Helped In 2022

$ 0

Funds We Collected


We are committed to being the most inclusive initiative to help orphans globally, we collaborate with young people, caregivers & organizations, and aim to provide resources and opportunities that are necessary for child growth.

Identifying orphaned children who need our help and onboard individuals or groups or organizations who are ready to donate for the good cause of making these children successful & independent.

We believe that every child deserves love and support. So, we want them to become socially conscious and focus on shaping their abilities to the fullest. We aspire to develop a sense of belief in our organization that enables our children & youth to evolve into confident, self-sufficient, and better individuals.

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Join the community to make a difference

Let us Share and Care

Together, we can make anything possible

iCareFor.org is all about holistic solutions, development programs, care and attention, combined with a willingness and devotion to do whatever it takes for the betterment of these bright children ! 


We welcome all who are willing to donate to a good cause. Also, we gladly accept donations and essential items.


Step forward by contributing your skills to shape the lives of our nation’s future.


Sponsoring child development events can be a great way to contribute to the betterment of foster kids. Also, you can raise funds through these events to provide the best facilities for children.