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In our society, some children are abandoned by their parents or orphaned by circumstances, put in a dumpster or left in a park to die, survive on their own, with no idea where to get food from, nowhere to go, and no one to love them. These children who have been growing up amidst neglect, isolation, and underperformance for generations who are either deprived of basic necessities or not allowed to get educated or simply to live a normal life challenge our voice of conscience which inspired us to initiate iCareForU.org. Together as individuals or groups, we can make a difference by providing them with a life filled with happiness that they deserve to live.
The pandemic may have slowed donations but has definitely increased the number of orphan children all over the world.
More than 140,000 children in the US alone lost a primary or secondary caregiver due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Third world countries are worse off.
Become part of the iCareForU.org family for a meaningful impact on society. You may help us light up the lives of countless kids in foster care. Together, we can work to create a significant life for them filled with the facilities of security, education, and skills they need to thrive.
We welcome all who are willing to donate to a good cause. It takes collective effort & resources to transform a child’s life and we believe that working together can bring more effective results which is why we are keen on inviting people from all walks of life to contribute their part.